
We at the London Entrepreneurial School strive to iinnovatively contribute to the intellectual, economic and social development of communities across the globe Through:
  • Research and dissemination of locally-relevant entrepreneurship and small business knowledge
  • Facilitating of opportunity for learning; and
  • Provision of high quality teaching, training, and consultancy
Our Ongoing Growth is Underpinned by:
  • Design and delivery of tailored vocational and academic entrepreneurship education and small business management programs and courses (internal courses and external award-bearing programs )
  • Delivery,  to the world of business, practically-relevant and tailored entrepreneurship and small business development training programs and courses (both our own internal courses and external award-bearing programs )
  • Provision of small business development consultancy support to growth-seeking entrepreneurs and small business owner managers  (partnership working with the owner manager in his or her own business)
  • Design and development of support provision to facilitate continuing professional development (for employees and via employers)
Working predominantly as ‘sole provider’ in the above service areas – but with parallel development of ‘partnership working’ provision with trusted college and university partner institutions (in the UK and Overseas). And in so doing establish reputation as first port of call ‘trusted partner entrepreneurship education provider’ And we inform all of the above provision by the undertaking of innovative action research, case study and consultancy methods of qualitative research investigation into ‘best practice’ entrepreneurship and small business development